凉风友情 |
2015-11-27 13:00 |
 【影片片名】:誘人的飛行 [中文字幕] 【影片別名】:空中旅 / A Delicious Flight (2015) 【上映日期】:韓國上映時間: 2015-10-26 【影片大小】:1.33 GB 【影片時間】:01:36:51 【影片格式】:AVI (D9→轉制AVI) 【影片尺度】:限制級 【視頻效果】:1000X560 (清晰版) 【主演演員】:不諳韓文.恕不提列 【檔案數目】:1個AVI+17個圖片群 (種子內有圖) 【語種發音】:韓語發音. 簡體中文字幕. 【下載工具】:使用 BitComet1.40 作種上傳. 【回覆附註】:※不喜此類型者請自律, 請勿回覆損人不利己的無聊言詞!! 【種子製作日】:2015-11-26 【種子期限】:完30種後5天內不定期補種 (3週後刪檔)
Hongkong engine room service activities began! 19 forbidden love stories in the wide sky. Synonymous with pure, the idol of the sex scandal and escape the actress, the idol of all her professional and messed up, she absolutely loyal blood agent, manager of his sexy stewardess ex girlfriend. Absolutely can not only screw four people on the plane. Cant escape it too damn. Evil hot romance launches.
